Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Field Trip Monday- Natural History Museum

After considering a lot of factors... I decided to pull Carter out of public school for this year. I didn't love his class and teacher and with the swine flu becoming so rapid in the school it was an easy decision to do homeschooling. Julie has Monday's off so we decided to do field trip Mondays. This first week we went to the Natural History Museum. The kids LOVED it. It was such a cool place. 

We learned about dinosaurs and animals families. Carter loved the Bear family and thought it was really cool to see two of them giving a bear hug to each other. Taylor was really fascinated with the Monkey family. We told them about grooming and asked if they would like to eat bugs off of each other. The answer was no from Carter, but Taylor thought that would be hilarious! We learned about whales and sharks and got to hear the sounds that the whales make. 

The favorite part was the dinosaur room. They had life-like dinosaurs that when you pushed a button they would roar. It really was cool. Carter did it so many times that the babies started crying. The sound really made them nervous. The babies loved the kids room though. Overall we had a great time and learned a ton. I very much look forward to Field trip Monday's. 

This picture makes me smile. The babies were so excited seeing the fish up close!

Julie is so good with my kids. She is very patient and loves to teach them new things. 

This was the babies very favorite thing. It was a little quiz game, but they just loved that it was buttons and that they could reach them.


  1. What a fun field trip. That's a fun idea--the kids are going to love Mondays!

  2. Those boys are to die for! They are seriously just so cute! I love checking in on you on this blog and just seeing all you are up to. It looks like things are going well! Tell Rhett hi from Stu and i .
