Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

I was SO excited for the fireworks this year! The babies were so little last year that they fell asleep long before we did any fireworks! I thought it was going to be a blast for them this year and I couldn't wait! The big boys were pretty stoked too! We started the fireworks at 8:00. The babies usually go to bed at 6:15. They were in a pretty good mood to start off, but right as we started I could tell they were NOT going to like them!!

Rhett getting everything ready to light~

The group so excited for fireworks~

Carter holding the babies back while one was lit~

The BIG boys loved them~

Ryker HATED them from the start-- Hunter was just a little nervous~

Then he was confused~

Then he was scared~ This pictures pretty much depicts exactly how much the twins liked fireworks!

This is them hauling butt to the front door to go to bed! Oh well, I guess my expectations were a little high! Hopefully next year they will like them better!

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