Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Best Buds- 23 months!

The babies aren't really babies anymore! It's crazy- they are just little boys now! They love to play & fight together!

A couple things I love that they do-
(1) The random hugs & kisses to each other!
(2) Clean up time before bed- they know how to put all the toys in the right places!
(3) Singing time- 3 little ducks is their favorite, but they just love to sing!

A couple things I DON'T love as much-
(1) The fighting, they fight over EVERY toy they own. It doesn't even matter if we have two they just want the same one that the other is playing with!
(2) They take off their diapers ALL the time!
(3) They LOVE to paint with poo! It is so gross. None of my other babies did this. I don't know why they think it is so funny! They are SO busy all the time too!

I love you babies. I can't believe you're going to be 2 next month!

Playing catch with each other.

Laying down ready for TICKLE TIME!!!

Look how tall they are getting! I love you monkeys!!!

1 comment:

  1. Two cute boys. I beg to differ on the boys being easier than boys though - my girl is WAY easier then my boy. Thanks for the updates. It's fun to see what you're up to.
