Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tournament of Kings~ Again!!!

WE have been to see the Tournament of Kings a couple times while living here, but it is still one of the kids favorite places to go! Julie was taking Brendan and Sarah and invited us to tag along and we jumped at the chance to see it again! It was fun to have Jessie come. We had a really fun group!

We also had a few minutes to burn in the arcade! Carter and Taylor loved the fishing game and even caught a few fish!

Jessie, Brendan, and Carter waiting while we bought the tickets!

Taylor fishing for a prize!

Carter with his prizes he won at the arcade!

Taylor with his little fishes!

Mommy and Taylor sitting down right before the show! He was my little lap sitter so he got in free!

Me and the boys! We had a blast together!

Carter with his chicken! He loved the tomato soup.

Taylor with his chicken leg. They were both fantastic boys! I love spending time with them without the babies. It's nice to give them a little extra attention! Thanks Rhett for watching the twins. I love you!!!

Me and Jessie in front of the sign!

Bad mommy moment of the week-

So the big boys were at Julie's swimming and we were running a little late to get to the show! I had set out their clothes so when she brought them home I just threw the clothes on- I didn't realize that poor Taylor was in Carter's pants until we got there and he was up up on the counter fishing and his pants fell all the way down! Poor kid-- I guess I had better make sure I have the kids in the right clothes before leaving the house from now on!

1 comment:

  1. I love looking at your older posts and seeing how your boys are all growing so fast!! They are all so cute. I love reading your blog, I love keeping up on your darling family! Love ya! Chrisitne
