Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Arizona Trip

We were able to go to Arizona a couple weeks ago with my family! I will sure miss crashing their family vacations when we're in Japan. We have had a blast seeing new places with them every year.

Anyway, Heather is moving there in a couple of weeks and I haven't seen her in almost three years so she flew into Vegas and we drove to Phoenix together! It was so fun to be able to see her and visit! She had me giggling while we told stories of our naughty little kids! I'm glad I got to see her before we leave. We had a great time with Jenny, Grandpa, and Grandma too. Ryker is like glue with Grandma and loved to swim with her!

All the kids had a great time swimming and playing in the hotel!

Hunter fell asleep on the way to the pool!

Ryker leaning in for a kiss!

Ryker playing with Grandma in the water!

Cooling off with some ice cream bars!

Me and Heather! I love you girly! It was fun to see you again!

Thanks mom and dad for the fun trip! We just love you!

Aunt Jenny playing with Hunter!

Me and my little ones!

Ryker throwing a fit! He has recently been throwing his face on the cement when he gets mad!

Little Taylor- Always posing!

The babies while Heather tried to get some good pictures!

Carter is growing up so fast! I can't believe what a great helper he is now! He is so excited to move to Japan and start first grade!

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