Monday, July 26, 2010

I had NO idea!!!

I had absolutely NO clue that when I accepted a ring from this guy---

I would also get this "fantastic" guy, and I couldn't have been LUCKIER!!!

Holding the babies the day they got blessed!

Ken, you have truly been an inspiration to me and my children! We have loved you from the very start! You made me feel welcome into the family and treated me as you would a daughter and I love and appreciate you for it! Our relationship has grown so much in the past 7 years and I was so LUCKY to have met and got to spend so much time with you!

Ken passed away just over a week ago! We will love and miss you Ken!

I just wanted to write down a couple of my favorite memories of this wonderful guy!

When we lived in Hawaii, he and Melanie came to visit us! He got so turned around and was always losing his way. I thought it was funny because in the states he can tell me the fastest way to get anywhere!

He was always a great dresser and made sure he got dressed up for all dates including going out to see a movie! Oh and he always smelled so good! I thought it was a little odd when we took them to Sunset Beach and he had on a button up shirt, a pair of dockers, and penny loafers, but that was Ken Olsen!

He told me once that he hated the trips to California in the truck- He didn't get paid as well, and he hated the traffic, but that didn't stop him from coming to see us every chance he got! We would meet up for KFC and it always made me smile when he called Melanie to rub it in that he was with the grandkids! He always had us get close together so he could take a picture on his phone! :) Then we would look through all the old pictures he had taken on the road!

He also picked up me and the kids on several occasions to drive home with him in the big truck! The little boys were in HEAVEN! I loved that they slept on the bed and watched TV, so it made it a fast trip home! I will always remember the discussions we had and be grateful for his funny sense of humor! He was the ultimate tease!

We were both avid price is right fans and had several phone calls about how lucky contestants were! I loved when he was lonely and would call, we would talk about the kids and all the crazy things they were up too, and he would tell me where he was and what he was hauling. I will really miss all the phone calls!

I LOVE that he and Rhett got to golf together! It was many hours that they got to spend together doing what they loved!

He was such a GREAT grandpa and ALL of my kids absolutely adored him! Ken we sure LOVE you and can't wait until we see you again, but until then--- I would love if you would help me keep track of all these little boys! They can certainly use a guardian angel! :)

Here are just a couple pictures of this wonderful man that we were so blessed to have in our lives!!!

Holding the twins a week after they were born!

Playing Santa for all the elementary kids.

Holding Hunter during the graduation ceremony!

The plane ride back from Hawaii.

KFC with grandpa was my kids favorite thing! They got so excited when he called and said he was coming into town!

McDonalds in Hawaii.

Golfing with Rhett!

Rhett's dental school graduation! Always SO supportive!!!

Goofing around!

Thank you for ALL the great memories together!

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