This was seriously a blast. The Air Force had Rescue Fest about a month ago and the little kids had a great time. We learned all about the different ways they rescue people. Carter was especially excited and told everyone that that is what his uncle does. They had a helicopter come in and as they repelled down the ropes to get to the ground Taylor just kept shouting, "That's Ben, Mommy that's Ben." They were a little disappointed that it wasn't really Ben and that Ben does do that, but he is in Las Vegas. :( Poor kids!
Take the hint Ben.... we want you to move over here! :)
Anyway, we got to climb on boats, 4 wheelers, and even a climbing wall.
Rhett's favorite part was playing with the guns. They had all sorts of huge guns set out for people to look at and hold. The babies kept trying to look in it like their daddy was looking through the scope, but they would just put their head near the end of the gun. They looked at the butt of the gun instead of through the scope. :) It was funny to watch them trying to copy daddy!
They had face painting and the kids loved this. It was such a mess and we were all pretty stained toward the end of the day.
They also had a guy showing how to make fires and how to survive. He pulled out crickets and passed them out for people o eat. Rhett decided to man up and eat one. I'm trying to post a video. By the look on his face, he really hated it. Right after he asked me for a piece of gum. :) He had the guy give one to Ryker and it was so funny. They guy put it on his tongue and it just hopped around in his mouth before it hopped right out. I was dying laughing so Rhett told me I had to eat one. I just grabbed it and popped it in my mouth. It actually wasn't that bad. I've made food that tasted worse than that cricket... so I definitely could survive for a day or two on bugs.
A few days ago Taylor was in the kitchen grabbing me a plastic bag and I heard a high pitched scream... very similar to my own. :) Anyway, I ran in to see what it was all about and there was a cockroach the size of Hunter under the sink. I asked Taylor what we should do with it and he looked up with a very panicked voice and said, "Do you want to eat it?" "No Taylor, I'm good." It was pretty gross. Bugs don't normally freak me out, but this baby was HUGE!!! I grabbed it with a napkin and squished it between my fingers and it squirted guts all over my hand and on Tay. We both let out a little scream. GROSS!!!
A few moments of the week I don't want to forget-
Taylor at the park- "Mommy my belly is hurting a little." "Well Taylor, maybe it's because you ate the whole bag of grapes by yourself." 10 minutes later in the bathroom--- "Mommy HELP it's pee poop again!" Priceless!!! :)
Lately Hunter has been a little like the lady in the King Solomon story that wanted to cut the baby in half. He and Ryker were fighting over a frisbee and I finally got sick of it and shouted, "Do you want me to throw it away?" To which Ryker immediately started crying and saying share. While Hunter just looked over at Ryker and stated, "Yeah Mommy, frow it away." He has done this quite a few times in the last week. If he can't play with it by himself.... he doesn't want anyone to play with it! Little twerp!!!
Here is Rhett eating the bug... He made it look really hard, but we are still very proud of him. Remember to pause the music in the right hand corner so you can hear.