Friday, March 4, 2011

Mommies Little Helpers-

So lately the little ones have really liked to help me in the kitchen. My kitchen is WAY too small for me plus eight little legs running and trying to help in the stirring, pouring, and tasting. I started a "Helper Night." They take turns being the helper and it has been GREAT!!! They don't fight about it anymore. They know when it is their turn and they know they are only allowed in the kitchen when they have the hat and apron on. It's been a lot of fun to get to spend a little one on one time with my sweet little ones. :)

Now if only I can find a solution for the twins making castles out of all my canned goods. Grrr...


  1. I LOVE it!! That is such a great idea. Where did you ever find a chef hat? It's so cute.

  2. That's so cute! What a great idea to let each one have a day to be a helper!
