We went to a little place called Ryuku Mura a little while back and had a blast together. It must have been one one of Carter's days off from school. I'm thinking it was a teacher prep day. I Love when we get to go on adventures with Carter Barter!
This was one of those trips where we just decided to go on an adventure last minute, hopped in the car, and drove until we found something fun to do. These are the kids very favorite kind of adventures. We have found tons of fun little parks by doing this.
Anyway, this place sort of reminds me of the PCC (Polynesian Cultural Center) of Japan. They had the Eisa dancers, little Japanese huts, and a sweet Habu snake show. After the show they even had me try the ground up Habu. It was GROSS!!! I was trying to act brave for the little boys, but I seriously wanted to spit it out and vomit.
They had a huge wall with all types of fish. Carter thought this was the coolest one on the wall and therefore wanted his picture in front of it.
They had a part where they had a little 3D movie portion. Again, we had a great time, but ALL of it was in Japanese so we were a little lost as to what he said. For all I know he could have been talking about us. :)
Funny happenings and conversations of the week-
We are coming back from the park and Taylor pipes up from the back of the van, "Hmm.... my feet smell like a garbage can. That's so weird." They actually really did. I have got to buy that kid some new shoes. His feet are SO GROSS!!!
Carter and Taylor are having a conversation about who they are going to marry. It went something like this-
Carter is telling Taylor that he wants to marry Grace. Taylor replies that he is going to marry Mom. Dad says that Mom is already taken and he'll have to pick somebody else. Taylor pouts for a minutes then says, "Fine, I'll just marry Carter and HE will be the girl." Carter gets mad and says, "Taylor if you want me to marry you... YOU have to be the girl!!!" Hmm.... weird! I then told everyone to stop fighting and that NO ONE was getting married for a long time and that boys don't marry boys, but when the time is right, after their missions, they will meet a pretty girl that they will fall in love with, marry, have kids, and live happily ever after with! To which they all started laughing.
Daddy was tickling Carter last night and I hear Rhett saying, "Eww... Carter stop. Seriously just stop peeing." I guess he had tickled him until Carter peed all over himself and Rhett. I guess Carter got the last laugh on that one. Carter was actually so mad at Rhett that when I told the boys to clean up the pee... he yelled at Rhett and said, "You have to clean it up because it was ALL your fault!" I'm sure in years to some that Carter will loved that I shared this with everyone. :)
Here are a couple videos from the snake show. Make sure you pause the music in the top right hand corner so you can hear the video.
I think I was as scared as Hunter as I watched the video....freaky. I hope you never run into one of those.