Sunday, March 6, 2011

OLD post- Residency Graduation!

While Melanie was here visiting I copied all the pictures onto my computer from her camera. She had pictures from Rhett's Residency Graduation! I had to post these. This was seriously one of the happiest days of my life and I'm sure that Rhett has NEVER been happier to be done with something. This was the hardest year of our lives-

Rhett would be gone from about 6:00 a.m. until Midnight most days of the week. My poor kids would wake up every morning and say, "Mommy, do we get to see Daddy today?" It was so sad because the answer was usually, "Not today, but maybe this weekend." It was seriously so much work for Rhett. I had actually moved home for a couple months so my Mom could help me with the kids. It was a very trying year for the marriage. I am happy to say that things are definitely starting to look better for the future.

Anyway, here are a couple pictures from the ceremony. Rhett, I am so proud of you! You have worked so hard for the family. We love you!!!

At the ceremony they called up each spouse and presented us with a certificate and a beautiful arrangement of flowers because they too know how hard residencies can be on families. It was neat to walk up and have Rhett give me a kiss and some flowers. :)

Here are the six residents- Left to right- Vera, Kim, Jake, Rhett, Tann, and Karen. The three guys are all LDS and have families. :)

Rhett with his Mommy.

Me and Rhett after the ceremony. I had been so rushed to get the kids to a babysitter and get ready I had totally forgot to even bring my camera. Thanks for saving the day Melanie!

Congratulations Rhett! I am truly your biggest fan! I have seen how hard you have worked over the years and really am so proud of you!!! :)

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