Friday, March 4, 2011

Guardian Angel-

So a couple months ago I started having the little babies take their naps in their swings. This has worked pretty well. I used to put on a quiet time movie for Taylor and try to get in a quick shower while they take their naps.

Well, one afternoon I was in the shower and I heard a little voice telling me to go check on the babies. It hit me so strong that I didn't even finish shaving my legs, but just hopped out and ran to their bedroom. I heard a little cry as I was getting closer and really started booking it. I opened the door and Ryker had climbed out of the swing, up onto the window sill, and onto the top bunk bed. In doing so he had got caught in the window curtains. They were right around his neck. As I was struggling to get him out he looked right up and said, "My ouie. I got my ouie." He was just fine. The pictures look horrible though. I am just so grateful that he has someone watching out for him. We have since tied all the window curtains out of reach and I no longer take a shower while they are napping. I'm a little smellier these days, but it scared me pretty bad that day!


My poor baby with his ouie!


  1. I'm so thankful for the holy ghost/gaurdian angel that whispers to us moms when our little ones need us. I'm glad he was okay.

  2. Wow! That was SCARY!! I'm glad you listened to the still small voice! That little guy has had a couple of close calls--give him a hug from me!
