Every Saturday lately Rhett has been going to Ultimate Football with some buddies from work. We usually tag along and enjoy being outside in this beautiful weather we have been having. Carter thinks Rhett is so cool and tends to really watch him play. He also likes to bug the little kids while we are there.

Hunter is such a little adventurer. He loves to look around and can find something fun to play with everywhere we go. He loves to run in the grass and crawl on his belly down steep hills. :)

Carter also can keep himself entertained. He loves to tease his brothers and play ball. He is really into basketball and soccer. I tried to get him on the team, but they filled up the first day of registration. Hopefully, we will get him in next year. He would really love to learn to play.

Ryker wants me to entertain him. It's really kind of annoying. I am constantly saying, "Go play with your brothers." He loves balls of any kind, but GOLF balls are his ultimate favorite toy right now. Taylor on the other hand can make a toy out of anything. Here he found a brick that he rolled down the hill the whole time we were there. He loved being able to play out in the dirt.

This was another fun game Carter made up. It's called shoot your brother up in the air. He would hold down the branch and have Hunter grab on. Then, he let him loose. I love the expression on his face. It is just pure naughty! Hunter had a ton of fun though. We have really enjoyed when Daddy gets to go play football. It's nice to get on base and enjoy being outside. I can't wait until next week when we have a backyard.
We have decided to move on base. It will make it easier for the kids to be able to play outside. The movers are coming this Friday and will get us all moved! Woohoo for a new adventure. Wish me luck that this time I will actually get everything unpacked before we move again! :)
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