Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 4

Day 4- Bali

We got to Bali right around 3:00 a.m. We were all so tired and ready for a cozy bed to sleep in. We checked in and they gave us this yummy fruit drink. We were all too tired to drink it except Rhett who drank all four. :) We got assigned to our rooms and were a little disappointed that they were in a different building, but they were all booked up so we couldn't move closer together. We stumbled up to our room. I was so tired I couldn't really appreciate how beautiful the resort was. 

I debated about taking a shower right then or in the morning because it was a complete toss up whether I wanted sleep or to be clean. I chose to take a quick shower. I hopped in, washed my hair, and hopped out. I was walking around the room brushing my teeth naked when all the sudden the phone rings. I IMMEDIATELY drop to the floor knowing who it is and why they are calling. Rhett answers the phone and James says, "Tell your wife to close the blinds." I was horrified! Rhett walks over to the window and says back to James, "Can you see me? I'm doing the helicopter." I seriously had the hardest time looking James in the eye the next morning. It didn't really help that he teased me about it several times. :) Oh well, live and learn! They could only see because they were up one floor from ours and directly diagonal from our building. They both had a good laugh though!

We slept in, and it was so nice to be able to sleep in a bed. We went down to breakfast right before the buffet closed at 10:00. The food was so GOOD! They had all the fixings plus all the breakfast foods from any country you may be from. 

After breakfast the girls went to facebook their kids while the boys went to check out the tours. 

When they came back we were chilling in the outdoor bar area on a comfy pillow couch and Rhett says he is in dire need of a nap. I had finally woke up and a nap was NOT on my list for the day so we split up. I went to check out the Bali Collection with Fabi and James while Rhett went back to bed. 

As we were discussing what we were going to do we threw out the suggestion of a massage. Rhett wanted to go and do the massage, but instead we decided to head over to the shopping mall. That is why he went back to take a nap. We promised to do massages later in the day with him.

The Bali Collection was this beautiful outdoor mall. It has tons of stores and restaurants. We walked up to the Tropical spa and saw that they had a deal for a neck, shoulders, head massage. We did 40 minutes of that and it felt so good that we did another 40 minutes on our feet. The total cost $14. Sorry Rhett, it was just too tempting. :) We called Rhett after we were finished with the massages to see if he wanted to meet up for lunch. We shopped around for a little bit and decided we wanted to check out the beach at our resort. They had this amazing little restaurant right on the beach. Rhett and I got this BBQ chicken pizza that was FANTASTIC! 

We stayed and watched the waves for a while until it started to cool off. We thought a jacuzzi would be divine. James called the spa and they assured us that they had one. We headed over to the spa where the jacuzzi was and were way disappointed that they were separate. Mens and Womens. At that point we didn't really care. I hopped in and hopped back out nearly as fast. Ours was ICE cold. The boys were enjoying theirs way too much to feel bad. They kept telling us to sneak over, but it wouldn't have worked. The lady was constantly checking on us. Fabi and I decided to head back to our rooms and shower and get dressed up to head back out that night.

We decided to head back out to Bali Collection and hit up one of their restaurants. It was amazing and so cheap. I had 4 huge shrimp and fresh clams. They grilled everything and it was the best seafood I have had. That is saying something because I love Red Lobster. :) They had this band that was playing music and singing all the popular songs. The atmosphere was absolutely incredible. Rhett requested a couple songs for the band too, Hotel California and Rhinestone Cowboy. They did a pretty good job! 

It was a really fun night and a perfect relaxing day!

Rhett and James coming back from checking out tours. Love the height difference. :)

They had landscaped everything so beautifully.

Getting ready to head over to the Bali Collection with Fabi and James.

In the massage room. James wigged out about having a boy so I gladly took him. I did laugh my head off though as he explained that he wouldn't be able to relax at ALL with some dudes hands on him. :)

At the Novatel beach. That pizza was so yummy!

Rhett in front of the fresh catch of the day. Check out the size of those shrimp. That's what I had.

At the restaurant listening to the band and just enjoying being together!

Here is one with the band in the background and check out how long my hair is. We got those extensions in Shanghai! :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like this is a nice place to vacation! $14 for a massage is crazy! I don't think I would have done anything but get massages and sit on the beach!
