Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feeding the birds!

After we went to Pineapple Park we headed over to Neo Park to feed the "birdies."

It's always a good laugh for me to watch all these birds flock around the kids. Hunter got a little too close and the bird nipped his finger. He is showing me that the birdie bit him.

I swear the birds see the blue bags and just attack hoping for some food. It is funny to watch my kids run around dumping food all the while.
Here is little Ryker checking out the pelican. I'm pretty sure he would have gotten even closer, but I made him wait for a picture.

He is very much my baby and is usually found right by my side so it's fun when he ventures out a little more.

He loves to watch his brothers and after assessing the situation will usually join in. Hunter is the opposite. He jumps right in before making sure he won't get hurt.

Taylor is getting so big and has been such a sweet boy lately. He sure gives a lot of kisses!

Then, we took turns riding harassing this poor tortoise-

And lastly, we watched Ryker and Hunter pointing to EVERYTHING and yelling, "Mommy listen to me!"


  1. It looks like it must have been a hot day! :) That's one thing I don't miss about Peru - the humidity. Looks like fun. By the way, I finally updated my blog.

  2. What cute kids! They are growing up so fast!
