Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bare with me- It's catch up time again!

I can't even begin to tell you how far behind I am on this blog. I am still updating when Thoch was here. I'm going to try and crank a couple new ones out today to try and catch up a little. We'll see if the internet cooperates and will load all my pictures. :)

While Thoch was here we decided a night of family bowling would be fun.

Rhett showing us how it's done!
Carter- Below He is such a poser. lol.

 Tator Tot did fantastic. Please excuse his ultra messy face. I'm not sure why I let him out of the house like that. It must have been one of those days where I was just proud to have everyones shoes on.

He is a pretty good little bowler. He had fun was a lot of fun to watch. He always made the adjustments and carried the ball over. He was always excited whether he knocked down one pin or ten. What a sweet boy!

Ryker- Above- He was a blast to watch. My little Mr. Independent. He would always carry the ball over and roll it himself. He just kept saying, "I do it by myself." He did a good job and had a ball bowling.

Hunter- He would always cover his ears when the ball was about to hit the pins. What a nut. You would have thought it made a loud noise by the way he was constantly doing it.

Carter showing Thoch the proper way to strike a pose for the camera. I don't think I have any "Normal" pictures of this kid. Even when I try to surprise him he is always one step ahead. :)

The babies were standing right in front of each other and I thought it looked so cute. It looks like a mirror.

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