Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Paintball Fun-

Rhett took Thoch paintballing while she was here one evening with a bunch of guys. I was a little worried about how she would hold up. She was so nervous that I thought she may chicken out, but she went through with it and had a good time.

Rhett was hiding behind something and peeked out and got shot right in the bald spot. OUCH! He came home and was covered in blood. Poor guy. He said everyone had a blast though. He hasn't been in so long that it was fun for him to get to play again. He got a couple bruises on his arm and head, but still had a huge grin on his face. I'm glad they had a good time together. I forgot to get a babysitter so I stayed home with the kids. :( Rhett had a really great time though and promised he would take me next time. They had dinner afterwards and had hamburgers. Thoch only got confused once by asking to pass the tomato sauce. She meant ketchup. :) She said some funny words and phrases here. We understood most of what she said, but a couple times it was weird. She did have a very thick accent though and sometimes I had her repeat stuff. By the end of the week I could understand her really good!

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