Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rhett's Birthday Party!

I am still a couple of weeks behind on the blog. In the middle of October, Rhett had a birthday and turned 32. We had a big Halloween Party for his birthday. It was packed with balloons, cake, games, and tons of ice cream. We like that Daddy lets us pick the theme for his party.

He had a special guest come all the way from Australia to be here for his birthday. Her name is Thoch. When Rhett served his mission in Australia 11 years ago he baptized her and they have been forever friends. She came out to meet the family and visit with Rhett for about a week. It was fun to have her here.

We had Julie make us another cake. She made the babies and it tasted AMAZING. I told her to work her magic on something "Spooky." She did amazing. Not only did she brew us up something magical in this witches cauldron- complete with spiders and worms, but it was one of the best tasting cakes ever! The kids loved to look at it and we were completely impressed with her skills. Thank you Julie! You never disappoint!

Happy Birthday Baby! You mean the world to me. I have had so much fun with you this year and can't wait to see the excitement that next year holds for our sweet little family. You are truly my best friend and I'm thankful for that daily. Thanks for always being there for my ups and downs. You are the perfect shoulder to cry on. Please can you try to tame your little monsters though. They are killing me! :)

I got up really early and posted little love notes all over the house for Rhett to find. He had fun collecting them and reading all the many things that I truly love about him. He also got lots of treats for presents. Thoch brought Rhett about 9 packages of Tim Tams from Australia and a huge thing of Milo. The kids picked out lots of chocolate for his office and a large case of monsters so the "old" man can keep up with them. I then bought him a GPS watch so he can run off all those treats. ;)

He had a really great day!

Lots more to come on our fun adventures with Thoch! :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Rhett! Becky - your friend did awesome on the cake.
