Every year I say that this is the last year that we will carve pumpkins, but every year as the kids beg to get a pumpkin I always seem to cave. The reasons I hate carving pumpkins with little kids are (1) I have to do all the carving. (2) I have to clean them all out. (3) It's messy.
This year we had won that huge pumpkin and I made Rhett do it himself. :) I did the other 5 with the kids. I made them all help clean out the guts. It was AWESOME!
Check out his facial expression. Can you say totally excited to do it?!? Or maybe that's his, "You want me to what?" face. Either way... I got my way and made it a family event! :)
Carter got that tiny thing from school and wanted us to carve it. Yeah right! He is such a little stinker. Hunter had fun picking his out to carve. He was my happy little helper.
Rhett working hard carving away at the monster pumpkin. It has a lot less guts than I had thought it would. It was mostly empty. He picked out three designs to put on it. He didn't like the way it turned out and wished he had just made one big design instead, but people really liked it and he had compliments right and left. So many people had their kids take a picture with it at the trunk or treat and on Halloween night. It was definitely a huge HIT! Job well done sweetheart. He has already said that next year he's going to buy one if the kids can't win one. :)
Happy Halloween!
Pictures of costumes soon to come-
We must have had the same pumpkin carving kit because we almost did the exact same haunted house and ghosts ones that you did. Funny. I thought your carved pumpkins turned out awesome. Ours didn't even last 3 days in the heat here. They looked HORRIBLE by halloween night because we did them a week in advance for family night. Lesson learned. By the way - I'm the one that always has to do the kids for them at our house too. I should make Craig do it next year.