Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

The Dental Team-

For the record- This is a picture of Rhett and Mike, our old neighbor. Rhett came down with the frisbee this time! Way to go babe! :)

 We went to watch Daddy and his dental team rock it up on the frisbee field. They did a really good job and had some awesome time playing together.

The tournament lasted a lot longer than we had anticipated. Several of his team ended up leaving before they were out of the tournament. This made it a lot harder to compete with the great teams. They did well though and ended up getting third.

Thoch watching and entertaining Ryker with her iphone. They loved that Thoch let them play games on it. She was a pretty good sport and they always asked if they could play her bubble game.

Thoch saving Ryker. He climbed onto the other side of the fence and got stuck. She really was a great help with the babies. An extra set of eyes was so nice to have for that week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ive been looking for a post regarding frisbee and I am very glad that I came across here in your post. I love the photos and it seems that they had a great time playing frisbee. Thank you and keep posting.
