Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thoch's visit-

The next day we took Thoch to see a few fun spots. We started off heading to the one of the many castle ruins of Okinawa. Thoch seemed impressed and the little ones loved getting out of the house and running around. I really worked her poor calves out. There was a TON of stairs and hills. 

I LOVE this picture of the boys. They were up at the top of these large stairs. Their expressions are priceless. Ryker looked so determined while Hunter looked a little less sure. :)

Thoch was really funny. She felt like she was in America again and she was so excited. I have never seen anyone so excited to go to the shopette with me.

She loved beef jerky, chex mix, and any american lollies. (Candy) She was just amazed at all the different kinds of sweets we had.

She also thought Halloween was such a weird thing. We tried to explain all the funny traditions with it.

Taylor is such a little heartbreaker. He loved leading the way and picking every flower within reach to give to Thoch! :)

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