Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just LOVING spending time with Rhett-

We have had a blast having Rhett home. I was a little worried that he would just screw up the schedule and it would be harder to have him home. Don't get me wrong... he has totally screwed up everything I did while he was gone. Both babies are back in our bed, BUT we are loving every second of it. 

We went to the park and the little boys found these awesome CELL PHONES!

Look at all those silly monkeys!

 Someone had really got to teach this kid the proper way to go down this. That's just an accident waiting to happen. lol. We had a great time outside playing at the park. The weather is getting fantastic and I am starting to get nervous about the heat and humidity to come.

Rhett said when he got off the plane is was so thick you could slice the air. I know it's only going to get worse and am looking forward to lots of BEACH days!

Welcome home for a couple weeks baby! We are just thrilled to get to have you home and will be happy to have you until you take off again... even if you messed up my awesome schedule for the kids! :)


  1. Finally an update!! Craig is leaving for Peru on Sat. for 2 weeks. I am SO not looking forward to doing every thing on my own. At least it's only 2 weeks though and not several months like you. Love you Becks. Enjoy him while he's home.

  2. It looks like you are just one big happy family again.

  3. That's great that you have your boy back for awhile. Hope you have a great time, and enjoy every minute. Look into operation love, just got my pictures back and love them. It's a great program.
