Monday, October 22, 2012

BOYS play rough... be thankful for GIRLS!

I feel like my little boys keep getting hurt because they play too rough..... and are extremely clumsy. 

Poor Taylor ate it down the stairs while trying to carry his scooter back down. Ouch!! I asked him why he even had it up there and his reply was, "I needed to see if I could ride it from my bedroom to the bathroom so I wouldn't have an accident." Okay, crazy!

I came home from volleyball to this the other night... Carter was wrestling with some friends on the trampoline and got a knee to the eye. Poor guy. 

The next day it was still swollen and sore. :( I did brighten his day when I said he could stay home from school for a day. I was worried he would get a headache from only seeing out of one eye.

I regretted letting him stay home about 3 minutes into the day. lol He just wanted me to entertain him all day!

Another difference between the twins-

They both love to shed their clothes and run outside to play, BUT the mosquitoes LOVE Hunter and rarely bite Ryker. Also, my poor Hunter is allergic to them and swells up pretty good. I guess it's time to bust out the bug spray! 


  1. Poor Hunter, I hate mosquitoes. They used to always go after me too. Carter really did get a swollen eye!!! That was quite the shiner! It looks like he's back to normal though. Taylor is a tough little dude. That really looks sore.

  2. ouch! To all the pictures. I'm allergic too and mosquitoes love me. I guess me, mom, and Hunter are all just too sweet for our own good! :) I'm glad you are finally able to go outside without worrying for your life.

  3. Wow, poor kids. They really play rough. Remember the time Taylor did a belly flop from your high kitchen table. Don't know what he was thinking that time. I hope your kids feel better soon. They are all so cute, even with all the bumps and bruises.

  4. Boys are rough but girls are drama, and whiny, and sassy. I don't even want to think about when she starts dating or starts PMSing... yikes!
