Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sometimes life is just a walk in the park...

I absolutely LOVE days when we get to play together-
Enjoy the pictures Rhett. I am too tired to write anything clever tonight!

 Poor Carter was leaning over the edge to feed the ducks and he flipped over the bar. He was lucky that he didn't end up in the water, but he did slam his cheek into the bar.

Ouch! Poor little guy.

Other than the minor accident it was such a great day spending time together. It was a blast to feed the fish and birds and I just LOVE LOVE my kids. I am so thankful for them everyday.


  1. I have to say...walking in the park with kids is more of an adventure than walking alone. Looks like you guys had a fun break from the storms you've been suffering with. Sure love you guys!

  2. That park is so pretty. It's nice you guys finally had a chance to go play outside. Your boys are so cute. They sure are growing up. Love you guys.

  3. I guess we know why dad wasn't a fan of me leaning over the railing at the grand canyon when I was little. It looks like you guys have fun.
