Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Inside Time-

Well, the last post I showed you a little bit about what was going on outside. This post is strictly dedicated to what we were doing inside.

Complete Chaos-

We did give Mommy a small break and took a nap with her when the power went out.

Laundry Hamper Rides-

Hide and Seek- 


Riding our scooters in our underwear- 

We also watched movies, baked cookies, and played Mario Bros together. I kind of like the family time, but am so OVER TYPHOONS. In fact, tonight while I was at volleyball my trampoline took out the neighbors fence. I feel so bad. They just barely re-cemented everything from the last typhoon. 

Rhett- I need you to come home and cut the kids nails. They are getting long! :)

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