Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fire Truck Parade

They had fire safety week and kicked it off with an AWESOME fire truck parade. There is nothing my kids love more than fire trucks and candy so it was a perfect combination for them. :) They were in absolute Heaven.

Here is Hunter sporting a sweet hat that Taylor got from school. Taylor also got to meet "Patch" the dog. He is very similar to "Smokey" the bear. That is who I grew up with. Anyway, Taylor was so excited to tell me all about "Stop, Drop, and Roll." He even got to go through a fire drill. He thought it was such a cool day and he still carries around the magnet he got for the refrigerator. He is such a collector. Sometime it drives me insane! 

Here is Carter and a couple of his friends waiting for the fire trucks to come by. They hopped down extremely quickly when they started throwing candy.

I got a new game for the ipad and here are all the little ones playing Hungry Hippos. :) It kept them entertained for a long time.

Here they come...

And then the candy hunt began. :) What a fun parade. Thank you fire fighters for doing this.

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