Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Weather

It has been so nice outside that we have been taking advantage of it every chance we get.

I absolutely LOVE taking the kids to the park. I feel like some of my favorite pictures of the kids are of them just playing. 

Ready, Set, Race... Taylor actually kicked Carter's butt. lol

All of the pictures of kind of self explanatory so enjoy them. :) 

We all had such a great time and are looking forward to being outside more and more as the weather is cooling off. 

The kids also seem to get along better when they are outside playing together. 

I love these pictures. Taylor has such a sweet little face. It is so fun to have a big brother to push you on the swing. What a big helper.

Really Carter? You are at the park. Put your stinking games away!

1 comment:

  1. I love that your kids are so outdoorsy--I'm glad the weather is improving. Your kids are adorable!
