Monday, November 19, 2012


Well, I am only a month behind on my blog. :) Here is Halloween.

Rhett is deployed right now to an undisclosed location, but was able to pick up these fun outfits for the boys to wear. The big boys wouldn't wear them. They looked a little too much like a dress. They picked out Star Wars costumes this year. We went to one party and then on Halloween the kids picked costumes from last year to wear trick or treating. Silly little nuts.

The twins really got into trick or treating this year and I was very pleased with their well manners. They always made sure to say thank you. They had fun running from door to door chasing after their big brothers. Carter and Taylor are pretty much pro's now. The only thing that slowed them down was Hunter and Ryker's little legs. 

Enjoy the pictures Daddy and thanks for the cute Terrorist Shepherd costumes. The kids are excited to wear them again for Christmas.

The kids thought it was important that I dress up too so I pulled together a witch costume from the closet. They thought it was so fun. I even made my hair super gross and spiky and had spiders dangling all over me. The kids loved this. :)

Anyway, we had a blast trick or treating and got WAY TOO MUCH candy, but I have been pawning it all off on the Single Airmen. They seem to be enjoying it and I enjoy that it is out of the house. The kids totally forgot about it so win win all around. 

It is tradition that the kids always trick or treat to me first. This year I gifted them with new toothbrushes. They LOVED them. Only because they had stickers and you got to decorate them the way you liked. It was a hit and they even loved coming home and picking out 2 treats to eat and then using those new toothbrushes. :)

I truly was so grossed out by the AMOUNT of candy 4 little boys received. YUCK!

The twins played dress up all week long with whatever they could find in the Halloween box. What a fun day. We love going from door to door begging for treats. lol I like these costumes. They look a lot alike, but not exactly.... just like my boys! :)

Alright! Happy Halloween a lot late!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Halloween with us. The kids look really cute, and so do you! Toothbrushes was a great idea!
