Thursday, November 22, 2012

Taylor is learning to WRITE....

... And he's going to get his BUTT kicked!!

On the mirror-

On the Fridge- Great spelling buddy, but that's naughty talk!!!

On the car seat in Rhett's car-

On the Fridge-

On another Wall in the living room-

On the Wall in his room-

On the Wall in the hall-

On Carter's door-

I guess the only nice thing is that he usually writes his name so when he tries to blame it on someone else I KNOW IT"S A LIE!!!


  1. Oh my gosh. I don't even know what to day, other than I would be SOOOO mad.

  2. Get him some bath crayons. He can write all over the place and it comes off with a little soap and water.

  3. This cracks me up because guess what?!? Brooke is learning to write too -- all over the kitchen floor, fridge, dining table (in permanent marker - luckily it was underneath) Ty's bumbo chair, the wall, all of her toys, etc ... I recently purchased magic erasers in bulk off of ebay. You should check it out. Just type in melamine sponge. I think I got like 60 for $17 :)

  4. It sounds like you and Heather are having fun--Kindergarten is such a fun age! I remember Josh writing all over a wall in PERMANENT marker. I tried to clean it with ajax cleanser, It took the whole finish off of the paint and I had to paint the wall. Fun times!
