Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Carter (9)

 Carter turned 9 a few weeks ago and I absolutely love him. I do not love the gift he picked out for himself, but he has promised to ALWAYS wear his helmet and braces.

For his birthday this year we went ice skating together as a family, but more to come on this later. We also went to the bx and he got to pick out his own presents. He is extremely excited to learn to skateboard and immediately went out to try it out. I was impressed. He did really well! :) Happy Birthday Buddy!

 We then went inside and had cheesecake and ice cream. The babies and I put trick candles on his cake and giggled and giggled when they kept lighting back up. Carter thought it was pretty funny too.

The little boys all love getting rides on Carter's new skateboard. He is such a great brother. 

Daddy was missed and we can't wait for him to come home. Daddy and Mommy are taking Carter to Forest Adventure to do the ropes and zip lining tour as soon as he gets back. It's going to be so fun to go with Carter for the first time.