Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hands On

The babies and I needed a date day. I have been one grumpy Mommy lately. :( Rhett's deplyment release date keeps getting pushed back. We will be lucky if he even makes it home for Christmas now. So I felt like they deserved a day reserved for play. I cannot explain how HANDS ON our zoo is. We fed the giraffe, hippos, elephant and watched the elephant show. I love the zoo. It is one of our very favorite places to go when it's too cool for the beach. 

We sat and watched the bats eat fruit and the boys were cracking me up. Hunter said, "I wish I could eat that watermelon." Ryker quickly pipes in with his opinion stating, "Yeah and I wish I could eat the bat." Yummy! Who doesn't want to eat a bat? 

They are obsessed with Mario and Luigi or Weeji as they call him. All day they wanted me to call them those names. If I messed up and said Hunter he was very quick to correct me. 

She gave us some hay that we got to toss into his mouth. The boys were actually pretty good shots, but to be honest we were so close I touched the top of his nose. It was hard to miss when you are that close. It freaked me a little, but it was so AWESOME. I love when we get their for feeding time. It truly is so cool.

Hunter and Ryker loved feeding them too until a little flick of chewed hay landed on Hunter. Look at Ryker checking it out. lol

Then, we got to watch the elephant show and I even paid the $2.00 for them to feed the elephant a banana. I mean we had just fed the hippos and the giraffes. Why not make it a full day of feeding animals? 

We watched him kick a soccer ball, dunk a basketball, shoot water at us, and even hula hoop. This is one talented elephant. It was cool to watch. They have done a great job training him.

He shot two shots and missed the second one. That was when we cheered him on and he went right up to the hoop and dunked it. I was laughing and the boys thought it was so funny. 

2012- The year of the DRAGON-

Next stop, lunch and petting zoo!

Poor Chicks!

Poor Turtles!

Another fun day with my boys. Thanks little guys for making Mommy smile. I love you two!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had special time with the twins. Are you enjoying having 2 boys in school? That is HALF your kids! Wow, they are growing up so very fast. We love and miss you all.
