They always have such fun little activities going on during the weekends. Several weeks ago they had a derby race. We loved all the different cars that they had made for it. Different units were all able to make and participate. We went to cheer on the 18th medical groups cart. I unfortunately don't have a picture of that one.
We took of few pictures of the little boys favorites though. The only downfall of the day was that it way too hot and sunny. We all had to get a snowcone after the race so we wouldn't melt. :) They had all these fun bouncers set up for the kids, but it was brutally warm that day so I only let them bounce for a couple minutes before heading them toward air conditioning.

It was still a ton of fun though. Carter wanted to ride in one so bad. :)
Becky, sorry I'm just getting back to you about editing your blog. To make the pictures bigger ... while you are writing the new post and add pictures you should be able to just roll your mouse over your picture - this will turn it blue and at the bottom you should be able to choose what size you want and if you want to add a caption. I hope that helps. I had to purchase more space for for like $5 so maybe that gave me extra options. I'm not sure.