Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pure Randomness but total Awesomeness!

We are walking through Neo Park and Taylor spots this cow!

"Hey Mom, he has bigger boobs than you." (Yes, he was yelling that. Loud and proud!)
"Wow Taylor, he sure does and twice as many too. That's awesome!"
"Can you take my picture with his big boobs?"

Another cute conversation was with Carter this week. We bought all the kids new toothbrushes. I figured since Rhett is a dentist they should have more than one to share amongst each other. Plus, Hunter got a cold sore. Gross!!

Anyway, we just bought some cheap crayon one. For the record... Rhett says it doesn't matter which brand you choose. It's all in your technique. I double checked before buying the cheap ones!

Anywho... Carter is trying to tell me who's are who's and he says, "Taylor's is the orange, like his hair. Hunter's is the yellow, like his hair. Ryker's is the baby blue and mine's the Daddy blue?!?"

Makes sense!

I did ask him if he meant light blue and dark blue... to which he said, "Oh yeah. That works too!" :)

1 comment:

  1. I sure miss you guys!! Your kids say and do such funny things. Thanks for posting them so we can enjoy them even though we don't see them. I'll be glad when you aren't quite so far away.
