Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pineapple Park~

We needed to get out of the house BAD! I feel like between potty training and life we have been stuck in the house this whole month. We all needed a break! I let the kids decide where they wanted to head and of course the answer was pineapple park. I think it's so funny that they love this place so much.

 When we got there they gave the kids the adorable little pineapples and then we set off on the fun little golf cart ride through the pineapple fields. They all gave me their cheesiest smiles to document the day!

I especially found Taylor's very handsome. lol. Lately to get a smile from him is so difficult. It's always so pushed with teeth grinding. Come on, just give me one nice smile. I guess I will have to do better job of sneaking up when he isn't expecting me. He has the cutest little smile while he is just playing. 

I love so much that these two little are the best of friends. You would think that I stage these hugs, BUT they just naturally do them. They love to hold hands and hug each other. It just melts my heart. It is so fun to see the connection between twins. They are so worried if I take one and leave one with Rhett. They other day we went to the grocery store and I took Taylor and Hunter. Hunter kept asking me, "Where's my Ryke?" I guess it was even worse at home. Rhett finally called me so that Ryker could talk to Hunter. They were both very worried about the other. We don't separate them very often and I'm sure it was weird for them.

Our favorite part of pineapple park is when you walk through the store with all the samples. My kids eat their weight in samples. It is the closest thing to a costco I guess. They LOVE pineapple and the little Japanese ladies LOVE them so it works out to their favor. They just keep dishing out samples and telling them how cute they are.

We had cake, cookies, chocolate, juice, and fresh pineapple. It was so good! We also loved walking through the seashell museum that they have there. They have an amazing variety!

We even splurged and bought a pineapple ice cream cone to share on the way out. Carter was in Heaven. It has been so hot here that is was the perfect treat to cool us down a little. The little boys were so great there. They said please and thank you and were very polite. They walked with their arms folded, (We have been working on this.) and stayed together as a group. I love getting out of the house!

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