Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 5

Day 5- Bali

We started the next day bright and early. We had rented scooters for the day and were really excited to play around on them. We rented 3 so Fabi and I were planning on taking turns riding our own. It was cool because it was was $10 for the entire day. As the guy was explaining the rules about the scooters he said, "If you get pulled over by a cop you should just give them money." That way they won't give you a ticket. Nice! We started by cruising down to the Bali Collection for our daily massage. We did 60 minute full body massages for $14. It was so nice. Rhett and I were in one room and Fabi and James were in another. The music was playing and it was so relaxing I almost fell back asleep. That's when they started to slap Rhett's leg. I started giggling and couldn't stop. We had just had a conversation with Fabi about when they were in Thailand and the lady at a spa had asked James if he wanted a happy ending right in front of Fabi. I had this on my brain I guess. It made such a funny noise when she was slapping him. I know it wasn't very professional of me, but I just couldn't stop laughing.

After our massage we got brunch at one of the restaurants. Rhett and Fabi got the coconut curry and James and I got sandwiches. The food was great. We then decided to head to Kuta. Kuta is where the younger crowd tends to hang out. We dropped my scooter back at the hotel because I was nervous about keeping up with the boys. I hopped on the back of Rhett's and we were off. That was the SCARIEST ride of my entire life. I thought for sure we were going to die. There were scooters everywhere weaving in and out of the cars like a delicate dance with everybody inches apart. All hell could have broke loose at any given moment. There really are no rules when driving in Indonesia. It just was sort of a free for all. When we finally made it to our destination Rhett was very surprised we hadn't wrecked!

We drove all around and stopped at a quiksilver store to try and find a backpack for their little girl. Then somehow James got turned around and we headed back to Nusa Dua. We filled up with gas and asked how close we were to Kuta and the attendant just smiled and said we were no where near. We changed plans and headed to Ulawatu because we had met someone one the plane that highly recommended it. The beach was suppose to be incredible.

We got to Ulawatu and headed to the temple first. They gave us sarongs to wear and we had a good laugh about Rhett and James in theirs. As we were about to go in we saw our first monkey. James went behind it to touch it and let me tell you these monkeys don't have much of a sense of humor (See video below). Before we walked in there was a ton of old people trying to get us to hire them for protection from the monkeys. We opted to fend for ourselves. They warned us to watch our belongings because the monkeys tend to steal stuff. We laughed thinking this to be false. Boy were we wrong! We got to the temple portion and it was gorgeous. It was on a cliff and the waves were huge beneath us. As we walked around a corner a monkey snatched James' sunglasses right off his face. I thought I was going to die I was laughing so hard. He chased the monkey in his purple sarong but couldn't get them back. He finally paid a local to get them for him. He tossed some fruit to the monkey and it left the glasses for the fruit. I have my suspicions that they may be trained.

After walking through the temple and the beautiful grounds we started back out the gate. Rhett and James were walking really fast and I started to freak out. There was a HUGE monkey between me and Rhett and he was totally eyeballing me. I mean I knew he was going to attack or something. Fabi grabs me and we are both frozen and screaming as the monkey scampers towards us. Rhett and James are laughing as we try to run back from the monkey. Fabi stumbles and loses her flip flop. The monkey quickly snatches it and runs for the trees. I, at this point, was just glad to see the monkey gone. Fabi paid another local to get her shoe back, but he had totally broke the bottom of it. We then watched another monkey jump right on a girl. I would have peed myself for sure. I made Rhett hold my hand the rest of the time around the monkeys.

After the Ulawatu temple we headed to the beach. It was AMAZING. It was like a little village carved out of the cliffside. You walk along these cool pathways past restaurants and stores right on the cliff face. You finally reach a set of stairs that lead you down to the water. It was absolutely breathtaking. We walked down and wanted to get in the water, but the waves would have eaten us alive. We were all starting to get a little bit hungry at this point so we headed up to this cool little cafe right on the cliffside.  It had the greatest view ever. You looked right out at only water. The atmosphere was awesome, but I have to be honest, we felt a little out of place there. It was like they there were shooting an Abercrombie and Fitch or Calvin Klein ad. All the people were super tan with chiseled bodies, and sun-bleached hair. All these beautiful people walking around in bathing suits made me feel super self conscience. :) And it certainly didn't help that I felt like I was walking with a pirate limp due to being on the scooters all day.

We ordered another pizza and a couple of chocolate shakes. The pizza was okay, but the shake was worthy enough to be compared to a Wendy's frosty.

We went over to the other side of the restaurant and saw this sweet pool. It was an endless pool that was completely overlooking the water. It was for hotel guests only and we didn't want to pay the outrageous price to swim in it, but boy did we enjoy the view. We watched the sunset and then thought we had better head back. It was quite the drive back to our hotel with crazy drivers and ridiculous turns through nowhere. :) We finally reached our beach and they were having a big seafood BBQ there. Rhett and I decided to head back and swim in our pool while Fabi and James were ready to eat again. It was such a great day. We played in the pool then headed in to make good use of the HUGE bathtub that our room provided. ;) It was a much needed hot soak after being on scooters all day! 

Oh before I forget... A fun fact about Bali Indonesia- Their money is called Rupiah. For $100 US you get about $850,000 rupiah. I was totally a millionaire there. :)

Our scooters for the day.

This was one of the temples. This one was at the Bali Collection. They have a temple in every little village so you see them EVERYWHERE!

Fabi showing off her coconut curry. She and Rhett got Thai food almost everywhere we went while me and James stuck with familiar foods. :) I know, no adventure. lol.

Taking a break to look at quiksilver.

This was the coolest part of seeing all the scooters. Everyone adapts their scooter to fit their needs. Some people use it to sell fruit while others carry huge boxes or crates. Some people use it as a van and carry their two kids and wife with them. This broke my heart because none of the kids had on helmets. :( We even saw a couple guys carrying shovels and pick axes with them. They really use the scooters for everything. It was a little scary.

A monkey at the Ulawatu Temple.

At the temple. Don't mind the ugly hat. I bought it a few minutes prior to the picture because my ears were getting burnt. Also, don't mind the "peace" sign. I've been in Japan too long. lol.

The monkey that stole James' sunglasses. You can see them in his mouth as he was running away!

Rhett in his beautiful sarong at the temple.

Heading down to the beach.

Check out those waves. They were seriously so big.

Up at the restaurant. Check out that beautiful view!

Just waiting for our food to get done.

Rhett enjoying the amazing view! Uluwatu is seriously a must if you ever go to Bali!

A sweet kiss as we watched the sunset.

This was that awesome pool. Isn't it incredible! I love how it just looks like it goes on forever.

Rhett getting ready to hop in our pool back at the resort.

Here is a little video of one of the monkeys at the temple. Remember to pause the music in the top right corner so you can hear the video.


  1. Cool post. I loved the monkey stories!

  2. Did you feel like you were in an Indiana Jones Movie with the monkeys hanging out everywhere? I really like Bali!
