Monday, September 12, 2011

My favorite buddies-

Seriously, don't they look like they grew a ton while I was away?

I missed these little twerps so much! 

Bad Mom Moment of the Week-

The tooth fairy dropped the ball AGAIN! Dang it! I swore the last time that I would do better. Well, I didn't!

Carter lost his tooth Sunday. I had a migraine, not an excuse, all day and slept the day away! He woke up Monday morning for school and didn't say much at breakfast. Finally, he hits me with it. "Hey Mom, the tooth fairy didn't come last night, but  I think it's because I tricked her. I put the tooth under the monkey instead of my pillow." 

I immediately went with that and blamed Carter. "Yeah Carter, you have to put it under your pillow not the monkey. I guess you'll have to try again tonight. " 

 Tuesday morning I woke up to crying! Oh Crap! I totally forgot again. I guess Carter had put it under his pillow, but when he woke up he checked and his tooth was still there. He and Taylor then went down to play games for a little while before school. He comes back upstairs and the babies are up on his bed, but nothing else is. All his pillows, blankets, monkey, and plastic bag with tooth are on the floor. He checks the bag and the tooth is gone. He is hysterical! When I had heard the crying I knew I had screwed up. I quickly searched my wallet for a dollar and was disappointed when I only saw a $5 bill and a $20 bill. I placed the $5 bill in my underwear and went to check out the damage. While Carter was searching for the tooth I grabbed his pillow and chucked the money inside the pillow case.

As he is yelling about the missing tooth I throw him his pillow and tell him that the reason the tooth is gone is that the tooth fairy had came and left him some money. He quickly looks inside to find the $5 bill and that frown immediately turned into a big toothless grin! Phew! I dodged a bullet on that one. I quickly shuffled everyone out of the room to get ready for school as I vowed to myself to clean up his room and find the blasted tooth while he was at school. It would look really bad if he found it before I did. Thankfully, I found the tooth and it now sits comfortably inside my vacuum bag. 

Seriously though, I need to be fired as the tooth fairy. I have messed it up every single time.


  1. Our Tooth Fairy got fired many years ago! She just couldn't remember to do her job. The kids just learned to come to me when they lost a tooth. Sad....

  2. too funny! luckily I don't have the job as the tooth fairy because Michael's mom pays better for the kids teeth, she gives them a gold dollar while the "tooth fairy" AKA mom only gives a quarter, so Jonah takes all his teeth to Grandma, he actually has one in a baggie on the fridge waiting until we go to Grandma's :)

  3. I need to be fired as the tooth fairy as well. I'm just as bad as u, but luckily I haven't gotten caught yet. David is going to send darters letter real soon. Both the boys were sick this week and Anna got her vaccinations it's been rough!
