Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I have been such a slacker lately with the blog posts. I guess we just really haven't done anything fun lately. Well, nothing I deem picture worthy that is. Here is a little update about something Rhett has been working on. Rhett decided it was time to get Taylor out of his lifejacket. Carter was swimming on his own at 2 and diving off the diving board at 3 so when Taylor showed he was a little scared around water I wondered who's kid he really was. 

Fun fact- Rhett didn't learn how to swim until he was 12. He vowed that all of our kids would be swimming way before that. It's not fun to play "Marco Polo" when you're stuck to the side of the pool. 

We headed to the pool one day and grabbed Dad's suit on the way out. I gave him a quick call and he met us there right after work. It was fun for me and the little ones to play in the water while Daddy worked one on one with Taylor. He did so well and I can honestly say that he will be out of that darn lifejacket in no time at all. His favorite part was jumping into the pool to Dad. They also did the dunkies, swam back and forth from the side, and went down the slide. It was a blast!

Ryker running through the jets of water!

 Taylor taking a break to show the babies how it's done!

 Carter playing around.

Carter diving in after a penny I tossed in.

Rhett closing those beautiful blue eyes because it was so darn bright. I have very few pictures of us outside where Rhett has his eyes open.

Taylor swimming to the side.

Rhett and Taylor did the went under so the babies ran over to check out where they went.

I love this one. Rhett is one of the most patient guys ever when teaching the kids new things. It was so sweet to see his playing with just Taylor and teaching him how to swim.

Jumping in to Dad.

 Rhett giving Ryker a dunk. The twins are terrified of the water and will be absolute nightmares when we decide to teach them to swim. I can hear the tears already!

Peace out! I did it!

By the end of the lesson. Taylor could swim almost half the width of the pool. He still would get a little nervous and try to turn around a few times, but he did such a great job! I was one proud Mama!


  1. Good job, Taylor! I should have taken more pics of my kids during swimming lessons. They were in it for 2 months and I was a total slacker. I'm kind of in a blogging funk too. I guess I'll try to find something blog worthy.

  2. Nice! I should have you guys come teach Lily how to swim. She was in swim for a month and it was basically just getting her more comfortable with the water...she still doesn't "swim."

  3. Way to Go Taylor!!! Great Swimming!!! What a fun day at the pool. Glad you shared!
