Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 6

Day 6- Bali

We slept in and hit the breakfast buffet right around 10:00. The food again was simply incredible. We had to check out of the Novotel Resort and head over to the Melia Benoa Resort right around noon. We ate and packed up our stuff. We went over to the Melia Benoa Resort and it was so gorgeous. I could have lived there. They had so much outdoor living space incorporated in their resort. It really was amazing. It felt so spa like as well with all the stones and water features. In Bali when you check in they always give you a little drink. We thought that was pretty cool! It was some type of fruit drink and it was delicious. We also got one of these each time we went to the spa. 

We walked around the hotel and checked out our rooms. We went up and got dressed and headed down to the beach for some relaxing. The beach was right on the other side of the pool. That was really nice. When we got to the beach we went to check out some of the activities that they had. Fabi and I wanted to do the parasailing and the boys wanted to do something called the Fly Fish. It took like 15 minutes and a few cocktails to talk Fabi into doing it with me, but when they hooked us all up they said we had to go one at a time. Fabi DID NOT like this idea at all. I went first to show her that it wasn't scary, but after I was strapped in and they got some air in the parachute I shot up like a rocket. After that we all knew Fabi was NOT going. It was so beautiful up in the air. It was a little boring compared to skydiving, but was still fun to try.

After I went parasailing the boys got to try the Fly Fish. It's a new water activity. It was a huge tube thing (See picture below) that is pulled behind a boat. You lay down on your back and hold on to the handles and the boat causes it to fly up in the air. Rhett and James really enjoyed it and said they would definitely be getting this in the states soon if they don't already have it. 

After the activities we started walking back to the resort and saw this beautiful pool at a new resort. Not one person was in it so James asked if we could swim. They said if he bought a drink at the bar then we could all swim.  It was so beautiful and it was a blast to have the entire pool to ourselves. 

We caught a taxi back to our place because we were all soaking wet and it was a little ways away. Poor Rhett actually ran back to grab our wallet that we had left in a bag on the beach and by the time he got back we had been swimming for about 20 minutes. Poor Rhett. I was so thankful that he did it though because I was worried about all our money being stolen just laying there without us near it.

When we got back it was near dinner time so we decided to head again to the Bali Collection. It had such a great variety of restaurants that we never ate at the same place twice. We had a coupon for two for one, hour long massages so we hit that up first. We had planned on heading to Kuta to check out a nightclub, but we are so old that we were worn out by the time we ate and had our massages. Rhett wasn't feeling very well either. I felt so bad for him. It's never fun to be sick on vacation. 

Here are some pictures. I wanted you to be able to see what a beautiful resort we were staying in.  Enjoy!

This is the front lobby!

Here I am with the welcome drink. (Non-Alcoholic of course)

Out on our balcony.

The view from our balcony.

The hallway.

Just a little reading nook!

The Pool.

This was our room.

Fabi showing off the beautiful landscaping.

Right off the lobby. They had outdoors incorporated everywhere you turned. It was so amazing!

Getting ready to go parasailing.

The wind caught me and took me up so fast that I went from 0 to about 100 feet in 10 seconds. You can see my ugly henna tattoo in the picture below. lol. I am so glad that thing only lasted 2 weeks. That was right when I got done. I was still trying to convince Fabi to give it a try, but she opted to just sit and watch.

The boys getting ready for the fly fish!

The boys flying up. I guess the guy who was on it with them got them up high in the air and asked Rhett and James if they wanted to flip over. Rhett immediately said, "Yes." He thought it would be a blast at first thought. Then he really thought about it. What if they were flipped over when they came back down? The guy went to fake flipping them and both guys freaked. He then just started laughing his head off. :) 

Just another flying fish photo.

This was the hotel that had NO ONE in their pool and let us swim.

Here was the pool. They even brought us all towels out. They were so nice!

Being goofy. The girls taught us those beautiful poses we are doing.

Me and Fabi at the spa. That was our favorite place in Bali for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Way to Go! Dad loved ParaSailing in Mazatlan. I was like Fabi and didn't want to fly high in the sky. That fly fish thing looked kind of fun--we are looking for a tube for our boat....not sure the grandkids would like flying though.
