Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 8

Day 8- Bali

We had one last day in Bali and honestly we just wanted to have a beach day and relax. We had done so much sight seeing over the last week that doing absolutely NOTHING was just what we needed! 

We started the morning off by heading down to get breakfast at the buffet in the resort. It was really good. They had all sorts of food and the fruit bar was incredible. I had never seen so many choices in one place in my life. 

We ran up and changed into our swimsuits and decided to head to Kuta to the beach. Fabi and James had scoped out a beautiful beach while we went on our elephant ride the day prior. We got there about 1/2 hour later and were on a mission for some great waves. We had decided that we wanted to learn to surf. None of us had ever tried it so we talked a guy into giving us a pretty good deal. The boys would get an hour lesson with an instructor and we would get three boards for two hours. I'm pretty sure we paid about $15 for me and Rhett. 

The boys went out and learned and then they taught me and Fabi on the second hour. I felt like we all did really well. Rhett and James got up a ton and I got up about 5 times. I have to say that it was a little harder then I had anticipated. We started getting it after a few runs, but it just wiped us out. You really have to paddle hard for those waves. It was bitter sweet to catch a wave all the way in because then you had to paddle all the way back out. :) My poor arms aren't strong enough for a sport like that. It was a blast though and something we have always wanted to try. I was pleased with our progress.

After just lounging around the beach for most of the day we headed over to a little restaurant and had dinner. Rhett and Fabi got Thai food again. :) I think we may have to save up and hit up Thailand while we are here. Rhett loves their food so much! I had an enchilada and they did Mexican pretty good! 

We hit up the streets and did a little shopping for kids jerseys and I bought a coach purse for the girl watching my kids at home. We also bought a small duffle bag to throw all the junk that we had bought in. There was no way that we could throw it in our luggage. 

We headed back to the resort and Fabi and I hopped out to get massages at the spa across the street from Melia Benoa. I got an hour long, hot stone massage. It was a little different than the spa we had been to everyday. They were a little younger and little less professional. Oh and she was not too great with the draping of the sheet. I felt like I was naked and the sheet was on the floor most of the time. It was just a little hard to relax like that. :) Fabi got the balinese. The boys were planning on showering and heading back over to Kuta to check out the nightlife. I was SO exhausted and opted to stay and pack everything up with Fabi. During our massages Rhett came in and stole most of my cash. Little twerp. He really made an impact on the girl doing my massage though. After he left she couldn't stop talking about him. 

It went a little like this, "That is your boyfriend?" "Nope, my husband." "Oh, wow, he is so good looking. He has tall beautiful legs, and a nice butt." I almost died laughing. I quickly agreed that yes he was tall and his butt was pretty nice. I thought that would drop the subject, but she just kept going. She said, "I think he is the most handsome man that I have ever seen. I would love to bring him to my bed." By now it is getting a little awkward. I just smiled. Fabi is laughing in the background. She then goes on and says, "He has the nice face and the beautiful eyes. His nose is perfect too." I'm trying not to laugh as I'm wondering what Rhett did to this poor pretty girl. She then says that she too is married. Wow! I DID NOT see this coming! The whole conversation was a little weird, but made me proud that Rhett is my husband. He is a handsome guy! :) Anyway, the highlight of the night is when she asked me if we could switch husbands for a night. 

All this was going on while we had paid to have them wash and straighten our hair. I wanted to hop out of my chair and help them straighten Fabi's just so the conversation would be over. :) It really was hilarious. We paid $11 for everything. It was so cheap. A little unprofessional, but definitely unforgettable. She really was sweet. As we were leaving she said to make sure that next time I bring my husband for a massage. :)

I went back to the resort and packed everything up. We had to be at the airport at 4:00 a.m. to catch our flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

I did ask Rhett what he did to the poor girls at the spa when he got home that night. He said, "Nothing, but I sure felt like they were checking us out." :) Yes, Rhett. They totally were! lol.

Paddle paddle paddle!

Good Job Rhett! He did so good. It was fun to watch them make it look easy.

James coming in for a break.

Rhett with his instructor getting some pointers.

Me and Fabi heading out into the water. They boys got the instructors and we got Rhett saying this, "Yeah, just go out there and paddle. Then you just stand up." Nice instructions guys! Rhett did come out after a few minutes to help us a little more.

Look I was on my way to getting up. It's hard to tell that it's me because of the ugly rash gurds they make you wear. I'm pretty sure mine was a large in guys. It would fill up with water and drag me under all the time. 

Rhett giving Fabi some pointers.

Our last meal in Bali :(

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys can totally surf!!!! That's so cool. Larry tried it on his mission when his Dad came to pick him up, but he couldn't get up. That was back in the "olden days" when surf boards were really long. Looks like you had a blast!
