Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 9

Day 9- Kuala Lumpur

We got here bright and early in the morning. We took the bus over to the international terminal to drop off our luggage for the day. This was another day trip so we didn't want to lug it around with us everywhere. 

For those of you who don't know, Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. It's claim to fame is the Petronas Towers. They used to be the tallest buildings in the world until 2004, but are still the two tallest twin towers in the world! They have been featured in a couple movies like Entrapment and Fair Game. 

So after we dropped off the luggage we hopped on another tour bus to cruise around the city and see what is has to offer. On the bus it started raining pretty heavily so we took advantage of this time by napping on the bus. Time well spent! We woke up around the same time the rain stopped and just in time to get off to see the towers. We were all really excited to go up and see the amazing view the buildings had to offer. As we entered the lobby and made our way to the visitors area we noticed giant signs saying the towers were closed every Monday for something. So guess what day it was? That's right, it was Monday. Buggy! What city seriously closes down its main attraction one day a week? Its not like the US closes the Empire State Building, or Paris closes the Eiffel Tower. They need to change that policy! 

We were all pretty bummed out so we just tried to make the best of it. We wandered around and found a place that made smoothies, American style. They were yummy. Then we checked out this giant mall and looked around. The shopping was super expensive and they had really high-end stores so needless to say we didn't buy anything.

One thing we noticed was every building had tons of flags on it. You couldn't look anywhere and not see at least 50 country flags. I don't know if they're always this patriotic or if it was some kind of holiday. Either way I think it would be nice if the United States did that once in awhile. 

After looking around we finally found the cheap places. The streets were packed with shop after shop. It was very similar to Shanghai. We found a place that had awesome kids clothes. Rhett bartered with the guy for ages and ages to get him to come down in price. They people weren't nearly as willing to negotiate as the Chinese. Which is weird cause this place was way ghetto and the knock-off stuff wasn't nearly as good a quality. Rhett finally got the guy down to a reasonable price. The guy looked like he was going to cry as he bagged the clothes for us. 

After hours of bartering it was dinner time. This was quite the experience. The city was ghetto and the food didn't look as appealing as other countries. James is very picky and not adventurous at all in what he eats. So with all these factors before us we went with something that sounded familiar, Kenny Rodger's Roasters. lol. Gross, I know, but we didn't have a choice. We sat down to order. Rhett saw on the menu, Spicy tangy chicken spaghetti. The waitress said it was a little sour and wanted to know if he could handle it. Rhett was sure he could. After we all ordered the waitress said it will be like 30 minutes before they start our order, because of Ramadan. Ramadan is like Fast Sunday, but on steroids. They fast all day for 30 days! So here we are trying to squeeze our way in between dozens of starving muslims and their chicken. We were pretty nervous about making it out alive ;) 

After what seemed at least an hour our order finally arrived. The chicken was good. No complaints. The spicy tangy chicken spaghetti on the other had. Wow! Right when they set the plate down next to Rhett all I could smell was sour milk. It smelt like 10 babies had all spit up into a bowl which they used as spaghetti sauce. Rhett just stared at it with tears in his. "Do I really have to eat this?" He picked up his fork and forced in a mouthful or soggy, sour spaghetti. He was done, I could tell. I handed him the rest of my chicken. James and Fabi gave him their leftovers too. Luckily between the 3 of us there was enough to nourish him. lol.

After dinner it was time to head back to the airport. James was adamant about have a shower before the flight! Seriously, the guy was not going to get onto that airplane without a shower first. We got to the airport and talk to some guy who said they had these secret showers in the airport. James got super excited! We followed the directions and it seemed for sure like we were in some restricted part of the airport. We kept going down these back hallways and the only people we saw were employees. We thought for sure we were going to get in trouble. 

We finally found the showers. Now I'm thinking James was assuming these showers were going to be of hotel quality. Instead of a hotel room with its own shower, it was more like a bathroom and the last stall had a shower head instead of a toilet. James wasn't having it.

After more debate Rhett and James decided to go check out the hotel inside the airport and see how much that was gonna cost. They took off ahead of us as we stopped for some shopping. By the time we finally made it to the hotel Rhett and James were coming out to get us with wet hair and giant smiles. I knew right away they were up to no good. They grabbed us and we headed down to the spa from which they just came. As we walked they told us the game plan. "You girls just keep walking and follow the signs. Walk with purpose like you know where you're going. When you reach the end turn right, thats the girls side. We'll see you again in a hour." We had no choice but to trust them. Besides, sneaking into places is Rhett's specialty, or is it getting in trouble. Maybe its both. 

We made it in. It was beautiful! Fabi and I were too scared to do anything more than just shower and blow dry our hair. Rhett and James on the other had put the spa to good use. They hit the cold jacuzzi, then the hot one, then the steam room, then back to the cold jacuzzi. They just sat there watching tv like they owned the place (or at least paid to be there). Boys. After Fabit and I were ready we headed out and the boys were ready for us. We all felt soooooo much better. Its seriously amazing what a shower can do to your attitude! 

We headed to the terminal and checked in. We were all ready for another night's sleep on the plane. This time we were a little better prepared. We all popped some Benadryl to help us sleep. 

The Petronas Towers
The tallest twin towers in the world!

These buildings are gorgeous

Expecto Petronum!

It looks like the American Flag behind me, but its not.

Rhett wishes! The watch he wanted was over $23,000!
They had a guard on the inside who would let you in. You couldn't just go open the door and walk in. They must've thought Rhett looked like he could actually afford the cheapest thing in there. They were wrong. 


  1. Your tower pics are awesome. That stinks that they were closed the day you were there.

  2. Gosh it looks like you guys are having a really great trip!!

  3. Hey, I feel like I had a vacation without ever leaving home. Thanks for the fun travel blogging. You really saw some fun places. I'm glad you had a great time.
