Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our big pumpkin

So there's actually a story behind this big pumpkin. They have them at the commissary right now for "decorations." We walked in to do our shopping and the twins went ballistic. They were so excited and couldn't stop yelling, "Mommy look at that big, huge, pumpkin." The workers there were just watching them laughing as I tried to shush them up a bit. They can be a bit of an embarrassment if you know what I mean. All that yelling and such, but the workers loved it.

A person from the produce department came up to me and asked if I cared if the he took a picture of the kids with the pumpkin. I thought they would love it. I pulled them out of the cart and they both ran and sat right on the top of it. Taylor scooted his way on it too and he snapped a few fun pictures. He then told me that he wanted to give the pumpkin to the kids and that someone would help us out to the car with it. They were so excited! Sometimes it pays to have cute kids. :)


  1. Way to have such cute kids that people everywhere just can't resist giving them things! You do have super cute kids. Happy Halloween!

  2. That's funny. You do have cute kids. That is one AWESOME pumpkin as well - no wonder they were excited about it.

    My kids do the same things with apples at our house .. well, Brooke does. It drives me crazy. I find them in all sorts of weird places around the house with only a bite or 2 in them. I tried to give them the talk about being wasteful and that some kids around the world are starving and don't have anything to eat. Brooke offered to send the rest of her apple to them. lol What a stinker.

  3. I can't believe how big your boys are getting. I sure miss them. Thanks for putting lots of pictures on, it makes you guys seem a little closer.
