Friday, January 1, 2010

Big Bear 2009

Right before Christmas we had the opportunity to go to Big Bear and meet up with some really great friends of ours! Steph and Chris and their kids all came up and we played hardcore for three days together! Carter got the blue saucer sled a little early from Santa... and boy were glad to see snow down there!

Sorry for the repeat photos from facebook for those of you who have already seen them!

Me and Rhett getting ready to hit the sledding slopes! :)
Taylor LOVED the snow!

Carter loving his NEW sled!

Carter, Taylor, Carson, and Shaely getting ready to go tubing! Nice facial expression from Shae!

Rhett and Carter drinking hot cocoa!

Mommy and Taylor warming up!

Carter and Daddy were partners tubing. They are such great buddies!

Carter's favorite way to go down! He thought it was super fun and scary!

We had a great time drinking hot chocolate, playing in the snow, and just hanging out with are great friends that we have missed so much since moving. Thanks for making the trip up to Big Bear with us Lohnaas family! Sorry that we all had to buy chains to get us back down the mountain! Big Bear is one of my very favorite timeshares that we have used! I really hope that we make it back there another time!

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