This top picture pretty much explains how the potty training is going! That is also the same expression that I have when he goes to bed at night! I think potty training is WAY harder on mom's than it is on the child! He is doing alright on the peeing in the potty.... and by alright I mean he has 2-3 accidents a day! I seriously am having MAJOR doubts about even continuing. The pooping on the potty is non-existent!
Here is pretty much how it has been going!
Taylor runs up totally excited, "Mommy I need a go poopy."
Mom, "Yay okay come on buddy. Let's go sit on the potty!"
That's when I place him up onto the potty and notice a little poo on his ankle! I ask him if he already went poopy and he answered way to excitedly, "Yeah mommy, me go poopy on playground."
I clean him up and ask him to show me where the poop is at!
We run into the room and he runs into the playhouse and says, "Look mom, me poop in house!" The whole time he was way too excited that he had pooped on the floor!
He has continued to poop on the floor EVERYDAY! He doesn't even poop in his underwear... he actually takes them off and hides to poop! What am I going to do with this kid! I am sure he will be the end of me!!!
On a lighter note-
Carter has been learning about Australia in history and we spent a whole day learning about the Outback. He learned that a billibong is water! So that night when I asked him what he wanted to drink he replied, "I'll take a billibong." That kid is such a comedian!
I'm going to tell that to Craig today and see what he does . . "I'll take a billibong, please." lol- That's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteHA! this is funny my nephew does the same thing when i babysit all of a sudden he will say "go away i dont want to play anymore!" and then he goes and hides and poos in his underwear. Then he comes back and says " i have to poo" .... too late.
ReplyDeletei hate potty training! i am going to wait on kash as long as possible. i just dont want to face it. keep us posted on the progress sure it can only get better right?
ReplyDeletei am right there with you on the potty training. logan is a 50/50 kid, but the smell when you are preg. is BAD! so much for being potty trained by the time the baby comes, i only have a month left!