Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Field Trip Monday- Las Vegas Zoo

We went to the zoo this week and the very BEST part is that daddy had the day off for MLK day so he got to come on our field trip! The boys were extremely excited to show daddy everything that they have seen and love! Me and Julie have taken the boys to the zoo quite a few times because for Christmas Rhett got me a tanning pass and the place is right by the zoo. So a couple times a week me and Julie pack up the kids and head tanning. We take turns going in as the kids watch a movie in the car... that sounds really bad, but actually they LOVE it! When we are finished we make a quick trip to McDonalds for happy meals then off to the zoo!

It is an incredibly SMALL zoo. We can walk the whole thing in less than an hour, but for some reason the little kids think it's the best place ever. Carter always wakes up in the morning and asks really excitedly if we're going tanning today! :) The twins love it because it's so small we never bring in the stroller and just let them walk through it! They love having that freedom! Although last time they almost lost that freedom. I pulled a piece of GUM out of Hunter's mouth! That is seriously the grossest thing ever!

Taylor's favorite part of the zoo is the chimpanzee that they have! He is super friendly and always comes right up to the glass to look at Taylor and the babies! Last time we were there a trainer was in there putting lotion on his hands. He even loves to tap back on the glass!

Carter's favorite thing at the zoo is M.G. (Maniac Girl) The lion! She and her brother came to the zoo together about 10 years ago and her brother died last year of cancer! To Carter that is the saddest thing ever so he always tries to cheer her up when we are there! Rhett didn't seem that disheartened by the news that the brother died so Carter tried to explain it to him in these terms... Dad if Hunter died Ryker would be sad!! That is so true Carter! We all would be sad if anything happened to any of you! This doesn't surprise me about Carter... he has always had a kinship with weak and sad animals! When I bought him his first beta fish he chose this scraggily almost dead fish. I asked him why he wanted that one and he said, "Mommy this one is sad and it needs me."

The twins favorite thing in the zoo is all the wild birds that roam around. It's really cute to see Hunter and Ryker chasing these huge peacocks! The poor pigeons just take off when they see the little ones running toward them!

Carter as the safari guide.

Carter and Taylor riding the elephant.

A few of the peacocks the babies love to chase!

Daddy and the boys in the reptile building!

Hunter checking out the snake!

Taylor as the safari guide!

The babies checking out the fossa pups! These little critters were hilarious to watch. They jump and play around just like little kittens would! They jump from rope to rope, hang upside down, and run right up to the fence! They are really fun to watch!

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