Sunday, January 3, 2010

Temple Square

You truly forget how gorgeous this place is! I am SO glad that we got to take our family there! Carter said that God's house looks just like a castle! It was so fun to see it again. The ONLY drawback was that the night we went it was FREEZING!!! The babies did NOT love the cold!

It truly is a magical place!
A family picture with the temple behind us! We had only been outside for a few minutes and already our cheeks were red! It was so so COLD!

This was my favorite spot! It was so pretty!
Mommy giving Taylor a lift!
Chase taking a turn with Taylor
It is so amazing! I wish we lived closer!
In front of some of the lights.
The babies inside warming up, but they were still mad!
Grandma giving Taylor a ride and he in turn is giving her a big hug!


  1. Sweet!! I'm glad you got to go spend some time at temple square

  2. I love seeing the lights at Temple Square. We havn't been in years though. Glad you had fun . .too bad it was so cold.

  3. I miss being able to hop in the car and see the lights and Temple Square. But I sure don't miss the icy cold! Beautiful pics. I think it's cute how involved Rhett is with his boys- so is Benji. It's the BEST having a husband who loves playing with the kids!
