Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bird Bird Bird is the Word!

WARNING- If the middle finger offends you this is NOT the post for you!!!

I feel it is my duty to give you a little background on this post...

While we were in Salt Lake over the holidays Carter gave us his "rock star" pose. He had just changed into his rock star pj's and as I went to take a picture I said, "Give me your tough look." He then gave me a little grimace and held up both middle fingers! We were all sitting around the table playing cards and I heard a little gasp from behind me! I looked up from the camera to see my sweet little 6 year old flipping everyone off! I then quickly brought Carter over and told him that the middle finger is a bad gesture! The rest of the night he held up his pinky with his "tough look."

Carter had NO idea that this was bad! Then when we came back I was looking through pictures and saw that I had quite a few with various people flipping off the camera! If this little gesture offends you in the least bit...I mean you MOM....then you probably don't want to look through the next few pictures, BUT if you want to see who made the album. ENJOY!!! lol.

Good Old Jason

Tiffanie. I'm sure that was to Rhett not myself lol.

Rhett - You will see this face MANY times!

Matt - I even think that was to me! You little terd!

Bevan with the mystery finger!

Another Rhett

Hmmm.... Another Matt. I can't wait to see when Cash gives me his tough look. j/k. ;)


And the infamous Carter's "rock star" pose! I know it's horrible!!!

Rhett's imitation of Carter's "rock star" pose!

Again, I apologize for the post, but come on really..... These are definitely pictures for the scrapbook! lol :)

1 comment:

  1. You can imagine the amount of those I get from Craig . . .considering all the picture taking I do. . .It gets a little annoying sometimes. ;)
