Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's SO hard to grow up! Bye Bye Binky!!!

Ryker was OFF the binky when we moved here, but turned into the worst baby ever. He was constantly crying so we decided it was too much change and gave him back his binky! Recently, I have noticed that he has become WAY to dependent on it! He ALWAYS has it in his mouth so we decided it was time to take it away again! We have these really great friends that did this to help get their little guy off of it so we thought we'd give it a try!

I guess what you do is that you screw it to the wall and let them suck on it whenever they want to. It's actually pretty funny/cute to see his squished little face up to the wall sucking on the binky!

Michael and Laura stayed over last night so when I said it was time Michael helped me screw it to the wall! We gathered up all the binky's and threw them in the trash while Ryker watched and cried and cried!!! Hopefully it will get easier! The first day has gone a little rough so far! I know it's time to say goodbye, but this has been a really hard day so far! I think this will be as hard on me and poor little Ryker!

The binky screwed to the wall at Ryker's mouth level!

Ryker sucking on it while crying! He knows it just isn't the same! Hunter is happy next to him sucking his thumb. Little does he know I'm screwing that to the wall next. (j/k) but he will be getting mavala stop, no suck, on it!

He is throwing a little tantrum looking up at it!

He decided to try again and still hated it!

Sucking on it from the back! He has come several times during the day to try it out...and it always ends in tears! I really think this is going to work! :)

And this is when he was throwing himself on the floor in tears! He thought he would try to rip it off the wall, but good job Michael... it wouldn't budge!

Wish us luck! I have also had Taylor in tears the entire day.... It's potty training time! He is WAY to old for diapers! He has been wearing his diego undies and carrying around a diaper whilst yelling, "Please mommy.... I need me diaper. I love me diaper."


  1. this is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Thank you for making my day!

  2. i have never heard of screwing the binky to the wall! that is hilarious! good luck...you are going through a lot right now with no binky AND potty training!! yuck
