Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blast from the Past

While we lived in Hawaii we had some really GREAT friends! We did everything together! Most of our very favorite memories have these wonderful people in them! From buying golf carts together to carpooling to Waikiki. Some of my other fun memories are Waimai Falls, Diamond Head, PCC, Hukilau Beach, snorkeling, and midnight trips to walmart in Millilani!

We did a lot of really fun stuff together, but my ALL time favorite memory of this group is playing games! We played HIT THE DECK all the time together! The winners changed nightly, but we always knew it would be super competitive! I believe if my memory serves me correctly that we did this at least once a week!

We were really sad when we had to move back from Hawaii. We did have the opportunity to go back once to visit our friends there! We of course broke out hit the deck and had a so much fun playing! They also came over to where we were staying and played in the pool and on the beach with us! We also got to visit Michael and Laura once when they came to visit family in Bakersfield. We went to six flags and hurricane harbors to play!

We had a blast from the past last week when Michael and Laura wanted to stay in Vegas on their way through to Logan. We were so excited to see them. I have had three kids since the last time we have got together, and Laura had added two that I haven't got to see yet so the group had definitely grown! Megan and Wyatt came over to the house and all of us had a great time visiting! Later that night we played a little hit the deck and I a am proud to say that "Team Olsen" rocked it up that night! :) Now that everyone is a little closer we will have to visit each other more often. It is so nice to have such great friends! We love all of you so much!! Thanks for coming and playing with us!

Jonah's birthday party before we left!

Megan and Wyatt at game night!

Part of the group during game night! I am so shocked we never broke that little table!

I am digging Megan's facial expression.... she must be winning! Wyatt is reading how to play Uno Attack! It's always great to try out new games, but we always went right back to hit the deck! I think it was the favorite!

This was at Laura's mom's house in California!

This was when we went back to Hawaii! I was so excited that the four of them were still there! I was 7 months pregnant in this if you were wondering why I was so fat!!! Oh and Megan and Wyatt were supporting the troops that day! Actually we went over to visit them on Halloween!

This was last week when they came to Vegas to play!

Team Salo came in 2nd that night!

Team Olsen came in number 1! Woohoo!!

Sorry Team Rassmussen... you came in last that night! That's okay let's do a rematch sometime! We will totally be getting together to this again. Rhett has kept the notebook with all the scres in it so GAME ON!


  1. Oh my small world! Wyatt's dad was my dad's college roommate at Ricks. How WEIRD. I was scrolling down and all the sudden it hit me that that was Wyatt Salo. Crazy. He was young, but we went skiing at Brianhead together and to Disneyland and stayed at their house. And I think he was in the MTC when I taught there. Yep. We go way back. Known them since I was in 6th grade. Crazy. How fun.

    And I remember hitch hiking to Sam's club, to north shore, anywhere, really. fun memories.

  2. That is so funny Ali! It's always amazing what a small world it is! How have you guys been? I'll drop you a line on facebook so we can catch up!
