Sunday, January 3, 2010


This has got to be one of the longest posts with a TON of pictures, but really up North we did A LOT of sledding! My little boys were in Heaven! They have never had the opportunity to experience snow due to the places we have lived...( Hawaii, California, and Las Vegas) There was this jump on one of the hills that KILLED us! The pictures below will show a little about how we landed and felt after the jump! Check out Rhett's face and it pretty much explains it! Rhett really got a workout taking the little boys sledding because unlike Big Bear they did NOT have an escalator to take us back up to the top. He ended up pulling Taylor up almost every time! Enjoy the pics! We had an amazing time playing in the snow! Thank you everyone for watching the babies while we played outside! I bought really cute snowsuits for them too, but they hated it outside. It was TOO cold!

Rhett and his boys going together!
Pulling them back up the hill!
Carrying Taylor up the hill!
Taylor walking his sled back up!
Mommy going down with her two boys! I love Carter's HUGE smile!
Taking Taylor back up! He loved the ride up almost as much as the ride down!
Carter smearing on the jump!
Mommy on the jump.
Taylor, poor poor Taylor!
Mommy giving Taylor a hug when he smeared!
Rhett's face when he broke his butt!
Chase and Alec on the jump.
Grandpa Olsen crashing!
Ryan and Chase!

This jump was seriously BRUTAL! My neck is still stiff and sore from it!

1 comment:

  1. ouch!!! That jump looks pretty wicked--but still looks like you had a blast
