Rhett has been with us a lot more than he's used to. It has been driving him absolutely CRAZY and I'm sure he secretly wonders everyday how I do the job. Anyway, he needed a break so I took all the kids on a little adventure- When you say adventure to kids it means it's going to be really fun!!! I love to call the grocery store an adventure then see their disappointed faces when we get there. lol. j/k.
Okay, so here we are going on this adventure- I gave all the kids a fishing net and we were headed to the water to do some MAJOR fishing! We got there and had a ball holding the nets into the water trying to catch the beautiful bright blue fish on the bottom. I can tell you we did catch a couple things, but they definitely weren't the catch of the day. No fish for dinner that night. We had a great time though!
We love to go to the little steps and put our feet in the Ocean. When the waves are going it's especially fun. The wave will hit the steps than shoot water all over us!
Here is one of the things we caught-
There's a story that goes with his picture. I caught this the other day with the boys using my bare hands! I know SHOCKING! We ran home and knew that dad was taking a nap. I thought it would be hilarious to put it on Rhett and have him wake up to this on his chest! Anyone that really knows me knows that I love a good practical joke! :) Carter was really scared for dad and gave him a little warning though, but NOT before I tossed it onto him. lol. It was great!!! Rhett just stared down at this crab and thought I had finally lost my mind!
I think I didn't get a great reaction because earlier that day Carter had come out of the bathroom after going number 2... he informed us that he had not flushed, which basically means that he used an entire roll of toilet paper and was scared that it wouldn't go down and would "bubble over." His words- not mine
Anyway, I went into the bathroom looked it over and gave it a good flush. I then put on my make up and threw my hair into a pony tail. I thought it would be great to tease Rhett a little. He was sitting on the couch playing a game on his phone! I flushed the toilet again, then yelled in my best panicked voice, "Rhett hurry get the plunger." We have had REALLY bad experiences with toilets! Sorry dad!!! Anyway, I got just the reaction I was looking for- He jumps off the couch and yells where is it. I say, "It's in the car." Then, I laugh and laugh!!!
He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did! I laughed all night about this! Then, he made me tell the kids the bedtime story "The boy who called Wolf." Worth it!!!

Rhett's bed buddy!

Three of the four at the cool water thing- I don't know what they call it!

Carter getting a good splash!

Fishing for dinner!

Ryker was REALLY excited!

Hunter was pretty stoked too- You know why? Because their mom is the bomb!!

I don't mean to brag, but I was the only one to catch anything. It's not quite dinner worthy, but maybe I could use it for bait to catch something a little bigger! :)