Sunday, September 12, 2010


We went to this awesome tomb monument with some friends. It was amazing the tombs that are here! We were able to go up and see them and the little boys thought they were incredible! Carter kept asking us which one we wanted when we died?!? I told him we would decide at a later date in the future! :)

Don't worry- we were allowed to go right up to the tombs. We weren't desecrating them in any way. It was neat to see what people leave for their loved ones! It ranged from flowers to tea cups. A lot of the tombs were built right into this big mountain! It really was a very cool place! A little note about Japan. All of the graves/tombs we have seen are above ground. I am guessing it's because we are on an island and the water line is so high, but that's just a guess! It's weird though to see tombs in random neighborhoods! They are all done up huge!

Oh and sorry, but the first picture is usually blurry. That's because I keep the camera inside and when we go out it is so hot and humid it takes it a little while for it to adjust!

The boys on the way up to a tomb! They all had little stairs up to them!

Carter and Taylor by one of their favorites!

Me and the twins heading back to see one!

Me and Rhett after we reached the park! My hair does NOT to nice things in the humidity. It curls up like crazy. I think I need the perm again! :)

I lost Ryker for a couple minutes and found him sitting up on the bench of this one! I seriously think he was seeing people that day!


  1. I love that Ryker can see ghosts...can I take him ghost hunting with me?! lol. It's good to see pictures of you guys and know that you didn't die. lol

  2. Alright Beck, why didn't you just say that the first picture must have had a ghost in it, because you didn't see anything, but when it was developed there was this mist surrounding you-scary!
    You guys look like you're having a blast!
